Calendrier des évènements

Webinar Carrières : Strategic Networking

How to accelerate your career with a strong power base – even when you hate networking.
Great at what you do, and yet your career is stalled? Then you’re probably missing a strong power base. As long as you will remain invisible to the people who matter, your efforts won’t be recognized as they should.
The issue is, you already know that you should network more, but something has been preventing you from doing it.
- Maybe you see networking as schmoozing, and you don’t want to become that way.
- Perhaps you have neglected your network, and you’re unsure how to revive it.
- Or you have a pretty good network, but not one that can truly help you for your new target.
- Besides, you’re probably very busy, and you’re afraid of the time commitment.
- Or you have a hard time approaching people, especially with the idea that you’re trying to get something from them.
Sounds familiar? It doesn’t have to be

Mardi 25 octobre 2022
12h30 - 14h00 (GMT +2)
L'événement est organisé en ligne
O'ona Souissi
Executive Coach et Fondatrice
Design Personnel de Carrière

O'ona Souissi, Transition and Career Strategist, aide les dirigeants et cadres internationaux à donner du souffle et du sens à leur carrière.
Fondatrice de Career On Purpose, elle intervient auprès de sociétés multinationales mais aussi d'organisations internationales, scale ups, organisations non gouvernementales et universités
O'ona est Executive coach certifiée, possède un background dans le développement et le conseil en ressources humaines à l'international, est membre accrédité de la Fédération Internationale de Coaching et diplômée de l'ESSEC, de l'IEP, et de Edinburgh university.

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Mardi 25 octobre 2022
12h30 - 14h00 (GMT +2)
L'événement est organisé en ligne
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