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[INTERMINES CARRIERES] Webinar - Shine at the interview

Preparing for interview? Give yourself the best chance of success

Whether you want to get promoted or to land a job in another organization, the interview is usually a key step. However, depending on the context and the interviewer, being able to answer in a compelling way to every question is a challenge. The vast majority of interview advice and training mostly give you a long list of generic questions to prepare and standard questions to ask to make a good impression. Not only is this approach artificial but it does not enable you to differentiate yourself since everyone uses more or less the same basic sources and advice. Besides, it is impossible to anticipate every question. Therefore, when you get an unexpected question, it’s easy to feel lost and, from then on, you’re on slippery ground. Lastly, it makes you sound scripted whereas you need to be good « in the moment ». If you want to shine whatever question comes up, traditional approaches are no longer enough. This webinar will enable you to go further by giving you the underlying principles of verbal communication behind a successful interview. So that you can answer with ease and poise whatever the question, even the trickiest one. The principles we will cover in this webinar have enabled senior executives, managers and high-level specialists to land remarkable jobs in coveted organizations – even in the challenging circumstances of a career change.


Cotisant : 10 €
Non cotisant : 20 €

Vendredi 11 juin 2021
12h30 - 14h00 (GMT +2)
O'ona Souissi
Transition and Career Strategist

Aide les dirigeants et cadres internationaux à donner du souffle et du sens à leur carrière. Fondatrice de Career On Purpose, elle intervient auprès de sociétés multinationales mais aussi d'organisations internationales, scale ups, organisations non gouvernementales et universités O'ona est Executive coach certifiée, possède un background dans le développement et le conseil en ressources humaines à l'international, est membre accrédité de la Fédération Internationale de Coaching et diplômée de l'ESSEC, de l'IEP, et de Edinburgh university.

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Vendredi 11 juin 2021
12h30 - 14h00 (GMT +2)
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